Mediation Registry Reviews Mubende High Court Performance
Hon. Justice Wangutusi and Hon. Justice Mulangira with the team at the Annual Performance Review of Mediation
The Head of the Commercial Court, Hon. Justice David Kutosi Wangutusi led a team from the Mediation Registry for the Annual Performance Review of Mediation at Mubende High Court.
The exercise is aimed at stock taking of Mediation returns at Mubende High Court circuit.
The team was received by the Mubende Resident Judge, Hon. Justice Joseph Mulangira who applauded the initiative.
The exercise was attended by a cross-section of judicial officers in Mubende High Court circuit as well as advocates, court accredited mediators and other local leaders from Mubende, Kasanda, Kiboga and Mityana districts.
It is hoped that such exercises will help identify the challenges facing Mediation with an intention of getting recommendations and creating lasting solutions.
Hon. Justice Wangutusi informed the participants that the Review will help them as certain the number of both the trained and non-trained mediators, which would help the registry to plan for the circuit's training needs.
Posted 10th, June 2019